Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Holy crap, we have a baby!

Cecelia Ann Merkel arrived today around 5:30. This has been, without a doubt, the most whirlwind 24 hours of our lives. Holly, our attorney, came to Jessica's office yesterday around 4:30 and said the girl who ripped our hearts out last month has changed her mind and would like to give the baby up for adoption. We decided to say yes, bought out Target at 9 PM last night, and spent today fretting about consent forms being actually, for real, signed by the birth-mother and a court order granting us guardianship signed by the judge. Around 4 today that was all wrapped up and Holly and Kevin were dispatched to pick up the baby.

And, here she is. And she's ours. And she's never going to leave us!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Hopefully 3rd Time is the Ticket

Yesterday we transferred 3 frosties; one was an 8 cell, the other was a 9 cell and the last was a 10 cell. They all look really good. The lab had to thaw 6 to get these three, so that leaves us with 2 in the bank. The Md. stated that she wasn't too worried about triplets but hoped we would be ok with twins. HELL YES!! I'd be ectactic with a baby that is healthy with all ten fingers and toes.

I spent all day yesterday on the couch and was a very good patient. I actually slept for most of the time but also watched 2 movies (Doubt and the Miracle at St. Anna) and played Wii before heading to bed to sleep some more.

I'm feeling pretty good, although I'm still tired and could nod off shortly. My loving husband brought me a box of BluBoy Chocolate last night. I think my plan of attack for the day is to eat lunch, eat a chocolate, retype an outline for a Seminar presentation on Guardianships, Sleep, read more James Bond ("From Russia with Love") and so on and so forth. I do go back to work tomorrow but have promised myself, and others, to take it slow.

So, I'm feeling positive, feeling good and will try to take each day as it comes.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


The 15-year old high school drop-out decided she'd be a better parent than Jessica and me combined. That was her prerogative, I suppose. I'm still pissed about it.

Next up, thawing some frosties, followed by going through an adoption agency if that option craps out like it has the previous two times.